I had only met Peter Carmichael once. I had run into him at the Civil War Institute at Gettysburg College in June. Arnoldo Vazquez, and old friend of mine, were talking and he introduced himself. When he found out that I was an immigration lawyer, he pulled out a photo of his Latino family and we all had a good discussion of immigration during the Civil War and today.
Peter died just a month later.
Peter Carmichael had been a seasonal National Park Service staff at Civil War battlefields, he was the first executive director of the Lincoln Cottage in Washington, he was a professor at four college, and he was the president of the Civil War Institute. His groundbreaking books attracted a lot of attention both from academics and laypeople.
I was happy to see Gerry Prokopowicz create a special tribute to Peter Carmichael this week in which he discusses the Gettysburg Professor with Gary Gallagher, the dean of Civil War historians, and Caroline Janney. They give insight into Carmichael’s personality and career. This is really worthwhile to listen to. Gallagher was Carmichael mentor, Prokopowicz was his contemporary, and Janney was a rising young star who turned to Carmichael for help in her career.
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You and Prof Carmichael were/are huge inspirations. I’m glad I finally got the guts to attend the CWI. What an honor to meet him in person. His debunking of the angel if Marye’s heights and promotion of Gettysburg to minority children really hit home for me. I hope the last book he was working on is somehow able to be released.
Thank you Pat for sharing this beautiful memory with others.
Great to see you there. Someday will get to meet your family.