Letter Promoting U.S. Grant to “General of the Armies” Finally Released to the Public

Many of you know that in 2022, during the Bicentennial of Ulysses S. Grant’s birth, many people got behind promoting Grant to the highest rank in the United States Army. I had heard that Grant was promoted on December 23, 2022 by President Biden, but I had not seen any official document from the Defense Department attesting to it. Now, Brooks Simpson has posted the document, which was issued in April of 2024, but has just become available to the public in the last few days. Here it is:

Brooks Simpson is a very respected historian at Arizona State University. His research and writing have really changed how many historians view Ulysses S. Grant. He has spoken out for modern America taking a renewed look at Grant. In addition to Simpson, Frank Scaturro, a New York lawyer, led the effort to preserve Grant’s Tomb and helped lead the effort to have Grant promoted.

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Author: Patrick Young

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