New Reconstruction Trail Opened in Columbia, South Carolina

Columbia, South Carolina was the capital when the state had its first Black-majority legislature. From 1865 to 1876 it was the center of a civil rights revolution that saw Blacks enter the colleges, become members of the professions, and accumulate political power. It all came crashing down in 1877 with the return of the former Confederates to power. Now Historic Columbia has mapped out a trail for locals and tourists to take in the sites associated with Reconstruction in the city.

You can download a copy of the trail map here.

The recent opening of the Museum of the Reconstruction Era at the Woodrow Wilson Home in Columbia has been a spur to recognition of the city’s importance in the struggle for civil rights, as well as the tragic events of 1877 when former-Confederate General Wade Hampton and his paramilitary Red Shirts restored White Supremacy to the city and state.

The tour has seven stops and each entry on the trail guide has a QR code that you can use to access more info on the site.

Here is more on the new trail.

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Author: Patrick Young

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