Doug Mastriano is a Pennsylvania State Representative from the area around Gettysburg. Last year on July 4, he joined heavily armed white supremacist militias as they occupied the Gettysburg Battlefield. Of the groups at the occupation, Mastriano said that; “A lot of people here just keeping an eye on stuff. Americans doing American things. Isn’t that beautiful?”
According to the New Yorker, Mastriano used his position as a legislator to organize the post-election Gettysburg hearing on election fraud that Rudy Giuliani famously made a fool of himself at. He used his campaign fund to charter six buses to Washington to participate in what became the January 6, 2021 attack on the capitol, though Mastriano himself claims that he left prior to the storming. The New Yorker says that Mastriano has disturbing ties to white nationalism and is associated with a Christian Nationalist group that insists that the United States is a Christian nation.
Photo: From the July 4 occupation of Gettysburg by armed far right groups. Confederate flag waving militants occupied the Lincoln Gettysburg Address monument. The occupation was supported by Mastriano.
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