In March of 1869 states took up the ratification of the 15th Amendment. The 15th Amendment outlawed discrimiation in voting based on race. One state where significant Democratic opposition to the Amendment granting Black voting rights was Georgia. The Amendment would not be ratified there until 1870.
This article gives a summary of the Democratic and conservative reasons for voting against the 15th Amendment. These are:
- It is the state’s right to decide which races may vote in elections.
- The Reconstruction Acts already require that Blacks be allowed to vote, so the 15th Amendment is unnecessary.
- The Democratic Party is the “White Man’s Party” and serves to protect the interests of white men.
- Giving Blacks the right to vote will lead to the “elevation of the “negro over the white.”Daily Crescent
Friday, Mar 12, 1869
New Orleans, LA
Vol: 18
Page: 2
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