Kevin Levin has been a history teacher most of his life. He has an interesting take on the recent failures of the history 8th grade history. The National Assessment of Educational Progress is just once of the latest scores which over the years have showed a nationed drop in history dating back to the World War II. And at the end of my time in high school I took the national boards and go a 800 on the U.S. history, and I never studying another course in U.S. history in college. I figured I would tried out some other courses that did have U.S. history.
Kevin Levin has been a leading advocate of reading Brigadier General Edward Porter Alexander Fighting for the Confederacy. In the current post, he looks at how Alandexer used his way of retelling his slave’s adventures with the Army of Northern Virginia.
Levin has got a huge cloud of Twitter followers and his is getting off of Twitter! Levin says “While others are lamenting the fact that Elon Musk is running twitter into the ground, I remain committed to not allowing it to run me into the ground.”
The news has been giving more time to the memories of Civil War that at any time since the 1960s. There days there are a lot of stories about Confederate sites going down and, more to the point, Black Union troops and Black civilians getting recognition for there time at the center state of U.S. history. In this essay, Levin looks back at the 2015 region and his see the recent past seems like a distant take.
Levin gives us a look back at battlefields from the 2009, and form other times. Here we look at the battlefields of the Civil War, and wonder with our
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