Posted in Slavery

Podcast on Attempt to Create an Underground Railroad Video Game in 1993

The podcast Decoder Ring has an interesting and troubling story about the attempt to create a video game about the Underground Railroad. This was not…

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Posted in Lincoln

NY Times on Why Lincoln’s Assassination Has Been So Rarely Reenacted at Ford’s Theater

Rebecca Ritzel has a new article in the New York Times on why movies don’t show Lincoln’s Assassination filmed in Ford’s Theater. Are are some…

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Posted in Slavery

Historian David Blight Will Offer Free Series of Lectures on Slavery at Yale Open to Public

The Yale News announced that noted historian David Blight will give a free series of lectures on slavery. Here is the announcement: David W. Blight,…

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Posted in U.S. Grant Women and Gender

Reconstruction Era Comstock Act Raised in Supreme Court in 2024

The Comstock Act was raised in the Supreme Court in March of 2024. When I was a kid, parents would always warn you that forms…

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Posted in Book Reviews

NY Times Reviews Two New Books on the Civil War and Reconstruction by Manisha Sinha & Matt Stewart

The New York Times has a review written by S.C. Gwynne of two new books on the Civil War and Reconstruction. Here are substantial excerpts…

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Posted in Emancipation Proclamation Lincoln

Lincoln’s Handwritten Copy of the Preliminary Emancipation on Display at NY State Museum in Albany Until March 3, 2024

I went to the New York State Museum in Albany today. I had heard that the museum was displaying its copy of the Preliminary Emancipation…

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Posted in Black Officeholders

Frederick Douglass Essay on Reconstruction

Frederick Douglass set forth his hopes for Reconstruction at the end of the first year of the post-war era in a December, 1866 article in…

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Posted in Lincoln

Which Civil War/Reconstruction Presidents Rate Highest According to Historians?

The 2024 Presidential Greatness Project Expert Survey has published the results of its most recent survey conducted at the end of 2023. The survey began…

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Posted in Civil War Uncategorized USCT

Long Island Black Civil War Soldier to Have Marker Placed Near His Oyster Bay House

Long Island’s Town of Oyster Bay will unveil an historical marker on Carll Hill Road telling the story behind the naming of the road. David…

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Posted in Civil War Slavery USCT

Robert Smalls, Heroic Escaped Slave, Learned to Read & Told His Opinions

A new article in the Smithsonian Magazine offers some insights into Robert Smalls from his teacher in South Carolina. In 1862, Smalls, and enslaved pilot,…

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