Author: Patrick Young
Civil War Monument in Cranbury New Jersey
Cranbury, New Jersey is a small township of 3,842 people in the Raritan Valley. It looks almost rural, but it is less than an hour…
Emerging Civil War Discussion of Slave Trading in the South During the Civil War
Emerging Civil War Podcasts includes a discussion of Chris Mackowski with Dr. Robert K. D. Colby on slave trading in the Civil War and his…
Civil War Talk Radio Looks at How Warring Nationalists Forged Lincoln’s Union
Gerry Prokopowicz interviews noted historian Richard Carwardine, author of “Righteous Strife: How Warring Nationalists Forged Lincoln’s Union,” on religious nationalism in both the North and…
Civil War Talk Radio Looks at African American Contributions to Intelligence During the Civil War
Gerry Prokopowicz interviews David Welker, author of “African American Intelligence Contributions during the American Civil War.” An article appearing in the International Journal of Intelligence and…
Civil War Talk Radio Focuses on the Confederate Surrender at Bentonville
Gerry Prokopowicz interviews Derrick S. Brown, the operations manager of the Bentonville Battlefield State Historic Site in North Carolina. Here General Sherman forced the surrender…
Civil War Talk Radio Interviews the Author of a New Book on Civil War Video Games
Gerry Prokopowicz discusses the new book Playing at War: Identity and Memory in Civil War Video Games with its editor Patrick Lewis. The book looks back…
Female Civil War Nurses Scrubbed from Defense Department’s Web Site
Military.Com has discovered that the Defense Department has scrubbed an article on its web site that detailed the history of women nurses recruited during the…
Misunderstandings About the “Black Codes”
A misconception I run into when I discuss Reconstruction is that the Black Codes were passed because of the corruption and mismanagement of the governments…
How Many Union Soldiers Occupied the South During Reconstruction?
Last year, I was talking about researching the Reconstruction Era at a Civil War Roundtable, and a man there said that he loves the Civil…
Vicksburg Has Lost 32% of Its Staff Under DOGE Cuts
Vicksburg National Military Park has lost 7 full-time staff members out of a staff of 22. 32% of the staff has been laid off at…
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