I was listening to the Washington Post’s podcast for President’s Day and it concluded with a wild quote from Andrew Johnson. Michelle Krowl from the manuscripts division of the Library of Congress read this except from an 1847 letter Andrew Johnson wrote to a friend about his neighbors in Greeneville, Tennessee, where he lived most of his life. At the time he was representing the area in the United States House of Representatives.
“If I should happen to die among the damn spirits that infest Greeneville, my last request before death would be for some friend I would bequeath the last dollar to some Negro to pay — to take my dirty stinking carcass after death out on some mountain peak, and there leave it to be devoured by the vultures and wolves or make a fire sufficiently large to consume the smallest particle that it might pass off and smoke and ride upon the wind in triumph over the God-forsaken and hell-deserving, money-loving, hypocritical, backbiting, Sunday-praying scoundrels of the town of Greeneville.”
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