Category: Civil War
Do We Ignore Prisoners of War When We Study the Civil War?
I was rereading the September 2017 issue of Civil War history recently. It had a roundtable discussion by academic and public historians about Civil War…
Map of Elmira Prison Made by a Confederate Soldier Imprisoned There
The treatment of prisoners of war, many of whom were not released until after the surrender of the Confederate armies, was a contentious issue during…
Crossing the Deadlines: Civil War Prisons Reconsidered by Michael P. Gray
Crossing the Deadlines: Civil War Prisons Reconsidered by Michael P. Gray (Editor) published by Kent State University Press (2018) 256 pages This is a…
Civil War Prisons edited by William B. Hesseltine
Civil War Prisons edited by William B. Hesseltine published by The Kent State University Press (1972) 123 pages This collection of short essays, originally…
60th United States Colored Troops: Iowa’s Black Regiment Was Mostly from Elsewhere
This is one in a series of scrapbooks focusing on United States Colored Troops (USCT) regiments. These are not regimental histories and I invite you…
Pro Tips For Defending Confederate “Heritage” from the Sons of Confederate Veterans Manual
The feature image is from a 2015 campaign by the Sons of Confederate Veterans to erect a new memorial to the Confederacy in Texas. This…
The Source the Sons of Confederate Veterans Get Their “History” From
This is the third installment of our look at the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) Confederate Heritage Defense manual. Today we will look at the…
The Sons of Confederate Veterans Manual Claims that Black People Loved “Dixie” (and Maybe the Confederate Flag)
This week we are discussing the conscious fabrication of history in the Sons of Confederate Veterans’ Heritage Defense manual. The manual was designed to equip…
Around the Web July 2021: Best of Civil War & Reconstruction Blogs and Social Media
Civil War social media “exploded” (in the words of one participant) at the start of June over a book review on the Emerging Civil War…
The Weird History of Secession in the Sons of Confederate Veterans 2016 Manual for Defending Confederate Statues
The Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) wrote the book on blocking the removal of Confederate statues-quite literally. In 2016 the SCV put out a “Heritage…
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