Posted in Civil War Ku Klux Klan

John B. Gordon to Black Voters “We opposed your freedom…because we had bought you” Sept. 1868

Former Confederate General John B. Gordon “reached out” to Black voters during the 1868 campaign to assure them that he and other whites had opposed…

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Posted in Civil War Uncategorized Women and Gender

“Who wrote women out of Civil War history?” An Essay by Brenda Wineapple

Brenda Wineapple has an interesting essay in The  New Republic on why historians long ignored the roles of women in the American Civil War. As…

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Posted in African Americans Emancipation & Reconstruction Book Reviews Civil War Lost Cause

Book Review: Searching for Black Confederates by Kevin Levin

Newly Published Searching for Black Confederates: The Civil War’s Most Persistent Myth by Kevin M. Levin published by University of North Carolina Press (2019) Hardcover…

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Posted in Civil War

Historian James Oakes Writes that Class War Created the Coalition that Won the Civil War

Historian James Oakes reviews ARMIES OF DELIVERANCE: A NEW HISTORY OF THE CIVIL WAR By Elizabeth R. Varon in this week’s The Nation Magazine. The…

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