Category: Civil War
Gerry Prokopowicz talks to Dr. Cecily Zander on Anti-Militarism in the North During the Civil War
Gerry Prokopowicz, host of Civil War Talk Radio, interviews Dr. Cecily N. Zander. She is the author of The Army Under Fire: The Politics of…
The Demon of Unrest: A Saga of Hubris, Heartbreak, and Heroism at the Dawn of the Civil War by Erik Larson
The Demon of Unrest: A Saga of Hubris, Heartbreak, and Heroism at the Dawn of the Civil War by Erik Larson published by Crown 592…
The Irish Fighting 69th Monument at Calvary Cemetery in Queens
I visited the monument erected by the veterans of the most famous Irish American regiment of the Civil War, the Fighting 69th (69th NYVI) at…
Rye New York African American Cemetery Where USCT & 54th Massachusetts Rest
Right off of I-95 in Rye, New York lies a forgotten cemetery where for 120 years local African American families had buried their dead. The…
Erik Larson’s New Book on Fort Sumter Debuts at #1 on NY Times Bestseller List
Erik Larson, one of the most popular history writers over the last half century, has his new book on the crisis over Fort Sumter debut…
Second Bull Run’s Oldest Monument
People viewing this week’s monument might think they recognize it as the First Bull Run monument, but they would be wrong. This is the Second…
Boston Sphinx Memorializes the Union Dead of the Civil War & Slavery’s End
Mount Auburn Cemetery was one of the first “Rural Cemeteries” in the United States. Cemeteries before the 19th Century were adjoining churches or on available…
The Love Letters of Thomas Jefferson Withers to James Henry Hammond Future Governor of South Carolina
The letters of Thomas Jefferson Withers to James Hammond are a source for finding out the attitudes of elite Southern men before the Civil War….
WashPo Reviews Erik Larson’s “The Demon of Unrest” About the Firing on Ft Sumter
The Washington Post reviews Erik Larson’s new book The Demon of Unrest: A Saga of Hubris, Heartbreak, and Heroism at the Dawn of the Civil…
The Original Monument to the First Bull Run
Now that the Spring has sprung, I am going to take you to some monuments away from the cities. I went to a conference at…
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