Posted in Abolitionists African Americans Emancipation & Reconstruction Memory of Reconstruction Movies Refugees Slavery

The New York Times Reviews New Harriet Tubman BioPic “Harriet”

Reviews are beginning to roll in for the new Harriet Tubman biopic “Harriet.” I will post excerpts and links to this Civil War and Reconstruction…

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Posted in Memory of Reconstruction Movies Slavery

NY Times Looks at Facts and Myth in the New Film on the Life of Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman is both a famous historical figure and a woman whose legend has grown to the level of myth. A new film about her…

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Posted in Civil War Memory of Reconstruction Slavery Veterans

NY Times Publishes “Stories from Slavery” Submitted by Readers

The 1619 Project of the New York Times has a new installment today. In response to the series, African American families have been sending in…

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Posted in African Americans Emancipation & Reconstruction Slavery White Supremacy Apologetics

Poll: How Much Does the History of Slavery Impact Modern African Americans?

A new survey from the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago shows that while older white Americans still question the long-term effects…

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Posted in Confiscation Act freedom papers Slavery White Supremacy White Supremacy Apologetics

Freedom Under the Confiscation Act: What One Man’s Freedom Papers Tell Us About Black Resistance to Slavery

There was emancipation even before Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. The March 1862 Confiscation Act allowed the Union Army to free slaves who had been…

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Posted in Education Slavery

Washington Post on Slavery at the University of Virginia-It Was Everywhere!

Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Alan Taylor has a book coming out next week that looks at the connection between Thomas Jefferson’s beloved University of Virginia and…

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Posted in Civil War Slavery

Confederate General Wade Hampton Wrote that Civil War Was Over Secession & Slavery

Wade Hampston was one of the wealthiest men in the South before the Civil War. He served the Confederacy as a top cavalry commander. After…

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Posted in Slavery

Slavery as Cause of the Civil War: “Revisionists,” “NeoRevisionists,” and “Fundamentalists”

I was reading James Oakes’s “The Great Divide” in the New York Review of Books He offered an interesting discussion of the role of slavery…

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Posted in African Americans Emancipation & Reconstruction Slavery

How Union Soldiers Brought Slavery Back to Ohio in 1862

I was unaware of this until I read about it in an essay by by Christopher Barr in Crossing the Deadlines. Here are the facts…

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Posted in Slavery

Negroes Wanted! Want Ads for Slaves in the Last Years of Slavery

We sometimes hear it said that slavery in the South would have died out even without the Civil War. If you read Southern newspapers right…

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