Posted in Slavery Underground Railroad

Percival Everett’s “James” Receives National Book Award for Retelling of Hunk Finn

Last night, the new book James by Percival Everett won the National Book Award for Fiction. The book is a retelling of  Mark Twain’s “Adventures…

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Posted in Abolitionists Civil War Monuments Places to Visit Underground Railroad

Chambersburg’s Memorial Fountain for Union Troops & “The Burning of Chambersburg”

The women’s groups of Franklin County, Pennsylvania met on Memorial Day in 1868 and agreed they wanted to honor their men for serving in the…

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Posted in Abolitionists Civil War Monuments Places to Visit Slavery Underground Railroad Women and Gender

Harriet Tubman & Thomas Garrett Statue in Wilmington, Delaware

For the Sesquicentennial of the Civil War, the citizens of Wilmington, Delaware erected a new statue in the revived Riverfront Park along the Christina River…

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Posted in Abolitionists Civil War Underground Railroad

John W. Jones Black Abolitionist & Keeper of Elmira POW Cemetery Has New Statue Erected

The John W. Jones Museum in Elmira has newly erected statue of Jones. He was a formerly enslaved person who escaped slavery in Virginia and…

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