January 1 was celebrated in Black communities as Emancipation Day, a commemoration of Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. While Juneteenth was celebrated in Texas, in many areas of the South Watch Nights were organized for New Year’s Eve and parades were held on New Year’s Day.
Here is a newspaper article on Emancipation Day Jan. 1, 1869 in Chaleston, SC.
Charleston Daily News
Saturday, Jan 02, 1869
Charleston, SC
Vol: 7
Page: 4
While many white-owned Southern newspapers did straight reporting on Emancipation Day activities, a number of them belittled the blacks or saw the celebrations as a distraction from blacks working.
Anderson intelligencer
Thursday, Jan 07, 1869
Anderson, SC
Vol: 4
Page: 3
Here is one of the disparaging variety:
Newberry herald
Wednesday, Jan 06, 1869
Newberry, SC
Vol: 5
Page: 3
Here is a Conservative Democratic paper reporting the celebration in Columbia SC as a straight news story:
North-Carolina Standard
Wednesday, Jan 06, 1869
Raleigh, NC
Vol: 35
Page: 4
This report says that the celebration in Wilmington essentially shut down the city.
Richmond Whig
Tuesday, Jan 05, 1869
Richmond, VA
Vol: 48
Issue: 2
Page: 4
More on the Wilmington celebration:
North-Carolina standard
Wednesday, Jan 06, 1869
Raleigh, NC
Vol: 35
Page: 4
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This is some superb information! Thanks!