The Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site near St. Louis has been holding concerts recalling Grant’s trip around the world after his presidency. The concerts focus on the music of the countries he toured. On August 18 the concert will feature the music of Easter Europe. Here is info from the park:
Bring a lawn chair or blanket and enjoy a free concert on the park grounds. The St. Louis Klezmer Quartet, featuring Sandy Weltman, will perform Klezmer music in the eastern European Jewish tradition (with a bit of a modern twist.)
After leaving the White House, Ulysses and Julia Grant embarked on a two-and-a-half year tour through Europe, the Middle East, Asia, and North America. They were greeted with parades, dined with royalty, and bestowed with lavish gifts. This concert series features the music from some of the countries they visited on their tour. The Grants visited Russia and Poland in the summer of 1878.
This concert series is one of the park’s Grant bicentennial events.
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will there be a zoom of the session for out of towners?