Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond has banned the flying of Confederate flags on its grounds. People travelling through the South are often surprised to see Confederate flags in local cemeteries with Confederate soldiers’ graves. Hollywood, the final resting place of thousands of Confederate dead, has probably seen more graveside Confederate Battle Flags than any other cemetery in the country.
The board of directors of the cemetery passed the resolution in 2020, but did not publicize it until this month. The resolution said that the ban was imposed because; “against the current backdrop of intentional acts of vandalism and destruction of property, Hollywood’s board has removed from public view all flags of the Confederacy in the interest of protecting and preserving the entirety of the cemetery’s grounds.”
Local media interviewed a scholar of local practices. According to the article:
Virginia Commonwealth University historian Ryan K. Smith said Hollywood used to seek an elite, White clientele. The Confederate flag ban, he said, could help Hollywood move past those racist roots and appeal to a more diverse public.
“They have been worried, and I think rightfully so, about vandalism,” Smith said. “I think Hollywood is also trying to position itself for newer audiences going forward than it cultivated in the past.”
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Richmond government is full of crooked s*** stained a******* , this all started with a virtue signaling mayor, this is a cemetery where many Confederates rest and they should be honored as they always have been, they fought for duty as they understood it at the time, their descendants went on to fight and die in Americas foreign wars, this kind of action should be against federal law.
Is the cemetery administered by the city?
Also, considering the cemetery lost its money by investing in Confederate bonds, there might be some resentment against that entity.
The cemetery ought to definitely fly the Confederate Battle Flag.
To anyone who would object to this, I would put that they must surely support banning flying the Stars and Stripes on any ground of the USA for how Aboriginals might consider this flag offensive in the extreme.
The fact the US flag waves over any ground on ‘American’ soil is because the sovereignty of various Aboriginal nations was exterminated.
Surely, can not everyone see the justice owed?
Or…can we say about BOTH American flags that they changed what they stood for…?