This is the Sesquicentennial of the publication of Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. This book may have been the most successful novel published during the Civil War and Reconstruction Era. The book is set on the home front during the Civil War and during the first years after the war. Volume I was issued in 1868 and Volume II the following year. In this post, I am going to offer a few reviews of the book. Keep in mind that reviewers in 1868 were not even sure if there was going to be a second volume!
Little Women was aimed at a market that publishers were unsure even existed-‘tween and teen girls who wanted read about people like themselves. Most books aimed at what we would now call the “Young Adult” market were stories of adventure for boys (that girls could read too, presumaby). When the first volume of Little Women became a clear success almost as soon as it was published, the audience announced itself, and demanded a second voume, which Alcott quickly wrote and her publisher rushed into print. Newspaper reviews recognized that, however commercial the origins of Little Women, it was a wonder in its naturalness and emotional truth.
Boston Daily Advertiser
Thursday, Oct 01, 1868
Boston, MA
Vol: 112
Issue: 16792
Page: 4
Salem Register
Monday, Oct 19, 1868
Salem, MA
Page: 1
The Christian Register gave the book extremely high praise:
Christian Register
Saturday, Oct 31, 1868
Boston, MA
Page: 1
Christian Watchman
Thursday, Oct 08, 1868
Boston, MA
Page: 5
Little Women was originally published in two volumes, one in 1868 and the other in 1869.
Salem Register
Thursday, May 06, 1869
Salem, MA
Page: 2
Springfield Republican
Wednesday, Apr 28, 1869
Springfield, MA
Page: 2