Well, I have found yet more Civil War and Reconstruction books offered for free during the Corona Crisis. These are e-books that various university presses have made free to the general public. Click on the title to be taken to the book’s page, then you can read them online or download them to your computer or device. I have two more sets that I am working on now, which should be the last two. I hope to have them up tonight and tomorrow.

- The Abolitionist Sisterhood: Women’s Political Culture in Antebellum America
- Cornell University Press

- Brethren by Nature: New England Indians, Colonists, and the Origins of American Slavery
- Cornell University Press
- Forgotten Firebrand: James Redpath and the Making of Nineteenth-Century America
- Cornell University Press
- Inside the Great House: Planter Family Life in Eighteenth-Century Chesapeake Society
- Cornell University Press
- Land-Grant Colleges and Popular Revolt: The Origins of the Morrill Act and the Reform of Higher Education
- Cornell University Press
- Northern Men with Southern Loyalties: The Democratic Party and the Sectional Crisis
- Cornell University Press
- Oneida Utopia: A Community Searching for Human Happiness and Prosperity
- Cornell University Press
- The Sources of Anti-Slavery Constitutionalism in America, 1760-1848
- Cornell University Press
- Suffrage Reconstructed: Gender, Race, and Voting Rights in the Civil War Era
- Cornell University Press
- A Union Forever: The Irish Question and U.S. Foreign Relations in the Victorian Age
- Cornell University Press
- Massacre at Camp Grant: Forgetting and Remembering Apache History
- University of Arizona Press