The University of Tennessee Press has joined a dozen other scholarly presses to make its Civil War and Reconstruction books free on Project Muse during the Corona Pandemic. Here are the newly available books. Just click on the titles of the books (NOT the images of the books) and you can read them online or download them onto your device or the cloud. I will continue to look for more publishers taking part in this great opportunity for home scholars!
This collection includes an iconic trilogy on Confederate generals in the West, some interesting period diaries, and Jennifer Murray’s well-regarded history of the Gettysburg battlefield park. By the way, you can find all of the free e-books on the Civil War and Reconstruction by clicking the image on the top right!
Wow. Quite a few books on my To Read list here!
Thanks for commenting. There are a total of nine lists I have posted so far, so don’t miss any of the great books on them.
Also, I will likely put up a new list early next week.