Gary Gallagher was interviewed this week by Chris Mackowski of Emerging Civil War about Bruce Catton’s iconic Army of the Potomac Trilogy. Bruce Catton was probably the most read writers on the Civil War during the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s. A journalist by trade, and the editor of American Heritage Magazine, Catton generated a lot of the interest in the war, Lincoln, Grant, and Lee just as the Civil War Centennial was beginning. This is a great discussion with both Catton and Mackowski providing insights.
The Library of America has issued a new volume with all three books of the Trilogy included: Mr. Lincoln’s Army | Glory Road | A Stillness at Appomattox edited by Gary Gallagher.
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Catton was one of first writers on Civil War was encountered in interests for American History. His work was much appreciated during 50s-60s when first began to explore this History period as a subject.
Having driven thru Virginia countryside where some of these Battlefields actually exist, just passing thru, was struck in 60s in how lilttle they seemed to have not changed from the 1860s, 100 yrs. previous.