The reason for opposing the Reconstruction of Virginia was the forced integration of the races, according to this article in the Petersburg Daily Express. The paper warned that whites might soon have to sit next to blacks in church! The occassion for all of this fear was the consideration by the state’s voters of a new color-blind constitution.
Daily Express
Friday, Jan 08, 1869
Petersburg, VA
Page: 5
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I’d like to see you have reconstruction tried on you…. Just to see how much of a hypocrite you are.
Many Southerners, a majority in some states, supported Reconstruction. It freed them from slavery, made them citizens of the United States, and gave many of them the right to vote. A lot to like there, wouldn’t you say?
Not exactly. Make up your mind, you’re generalizing something again whereby a documented majority of Anglo Southerners actually detested reconstruction. Which is reflected in your posts. Reconstruction and the War were unnecessary evils to end the evils of Chattel African Slavery. Over 500,000 free blacks with the majority being over 260,000 thousand in the South lived in United States in 1860. Even though the natural increase of Slaves population outnumbered the latter, amalgamation, manumission, and abolition was gradually increasing opportunity for a more peaceable integration of American Society, just as Thomas Jefferson envisioned it could be in 1820, as it has come to pass in other American Nations. Reconstruction, the War, the Blood spilled, entrenched and pitted Anglo Southerners against Afro-Americans, while the Great White North continued to maintain their social homogeneity to dictate sociopolitical and economic control of the nation and national expansion, for Norther industrial Lawyering Oligarchs.
Michael Lucas wrote: “a documented majority of Anglo Southerners actually detested reconstruction.”
Most Southerners in South Carolina and Mississippi were not “Anglo Southerners.” In the 1870 Census, for example, 465,000 people were black and only 289,000 were white in South Carolina. Southerners in Mississippi were divided 444,000 blacks and only 382,000 whites. In Lousiana, there were 364,000 black Southerners and 362,000 whites.
Even those Southern states without an African American majority had large black populations. For example, Alabama had 521,000 whites and 475,000 blacks.
Obviously large numbers of Southerners were not “Anglo Southerners.”
Your article focuses on ANGLO “WHITE” Southerners you made a point of focusing on ANGLO “WHITE” Southerners “Virginians”. Now you want to play Lawyer as if I was the one who was emphasizing Anglo Southern Whites over anyone else. Millions of African Americans no less detested the Reconstruction period as well, the North didn’t sustain its promises, the North was far more inequitable in offering means of support or embracing African Americans than the South was. The great Black exodus to the North didn’t happen overnight because the two races in the South had some symbiosis of civil society. Anglo Southerners were not out hunting Negroes or lynching them every day or night as some tend to generalize the circumstances to be. Lynchings happened and its tragic, many innocents were hung and the corrupt got away with it. And there were those who weren’t innocent and who didn’t get away with it on both sides.
As I have stated before your blog Patrick Young, is a race-baiting menace, you are no less responsible for escalating social ignorance than any other antifa, race baiting liberal, pious causer hypocrite.
Michael Lucas wrote: “As I have stated before your blog Patrick Young, is a race-baiting menace, you are no less responsible for escalating social ignorance than any other antifa, race baiting liberal, pious causer hypocrite.”
Most of the post in question consists of an unabridged article originally appearing in The Norfolk Virginian and reprinted in the Petersburg Daily Express. I don’t know if you think I am a “pious causer” [your neologism?]because I reprinted an article verbatum as it appeared in 1869, but I can hardly be said to worship the article. It was written and published by people from within their specific Virginian communities who claimed to speak for a wider white public dedicated to defeating “negro” equality. It says so right in the article.
“Obviously large numbers of Southerners were not “Anglo Southerners.”
Negroes were never intended to be thought of as “fellow Southerners”, or “fellow Americans” for that matter. The United States was created BY Whites FOR Whites.
How do we know this? From the first Naturalization Act of 1790, which restricted new citizenship to “free WHITE persons of good character.”
And that was right because it was natural: the sane prefer to live with people like themselves, because only homogeneous societies are stable & pleasant; the multicult lunatic asylum were forced to exist in at fed bayonet point is the polar opposite of natural.
I am leaving up this example of ignorant white nationalist claptrap to remind readers that the ideology of white supremacy was central to the Confederate cause and it remains foundational for the devotees of the Lost Cause.
Thanks for the explanation. I’ve been resisting commenting although I’ve been appalled. Now it makes sense.
Thanks for reading.
Where do NBF and the Admin get lost is this?
NBF “Negroes were never intended to be thought of as “fellow Southerners”, or “fellow Americans” for that matter. The United States was created BY Whites FOR Whites.”
Dear Admin How is this an incorrect statement? How is NBF a White Nationalist for making a factually based statement?
Admin: “I am leaving up this example of ignorant white nationalist claptrap to remind readers that the ideology of white supremacy was central to the Confederate cause and it remains foundational for the devotees of the Lost Cause.”
So Patrick Young, why do you willfully omit and obfuscate that Lincoln, Seward, Trumbull, Grant, Sherman, Sheridan and the ever existing homogeneous great white North? Were they no less White Supremacists in their visions of dominance and expansion the United States?
Why do these “Lost Causers” read this blog if they find it so “offensive”? it a very informational and educational source of Reconstruction history out there…. in fact, the fact that the war continued way far past 1865 is the aspect that I find so fascinating – and the “race-baiters” on the conservative side know of what they speak…they have their rhetoric down so well, while complaining of others..
I wouldn’t agree with saying the war itself continued after 1865. I know what you mean, but I’d say the war ended and peace saw the rise of new issues in America and conflicts arose over these.
what was the conflict about during Reconstruction then? the maintenance of the Southern political economy – including white supremacy.. Like the end of the Indochina War of France vs. the Vietnamese communists, the Vietnamese Communist political agenda festered and reengaged from the ashes of partition. The IRA continues the struggle against partition to this day… – one cannot fix final dates to an “end” so easily…..
let us just say, it entered a new phase of operations….military and political tactics….