Category: Movies
New Netflix Series on the Assassination of Pres. James Garfield
Before 1881, presidents would clean out the Washington bureaucracy when they came into office. Democrats were tossed when a Republican came in and Whigs, before…
NY Times Columnist Calls for a Civil War Movie that Tells the Truth
Last week Jamelle Bouie wrote an opinion piece in the New York Times in which he calls for a truthful movie about the Civil War….
Historians Discuss the Movie “Gettysburg” on Its 30th Anniversary
Historians at the Movies Podcast has on Kevin Levine, Waitman Beorn, and Rich Condon to discuss the Ted Turner 1993 film Gettysburg. Most of my…
Washington Post Gives Background on “Whipped Peter” of New Film “Emancipation”
Today’s Washington Post gave some interesting background on the new Will Smith film Emancipation. The Washington Post movie reviewer gave the film a largely negative…
New Film on Beaten Enslaved Man & USCT Veteran “Emancipation” Gets Mixed Reviews
The new Will Smith film “Emancipation” opened today and it has received mixed reviews. While Rotten Tomatoes gave it a red “Fresh Tomato” rating, it…
Ten Years Ago Movie “Lincoln” Showed the Gettysburg Address
November 19 is Dedication Day in Gettysburg, the anniversary of the the day in 1863 when Abraham Lincoln came to Gettysburg to deliver his famous…
Preview of New Will Smith Film Emancipation “Inspired” by Story of “Gordon”: From Tortured Slave to Freedom Fighter
Will Smith’s new film Emancipation will be released on December 2, 2022. The film is based on the story of “Gordon,” an enslaved African American…
New PBS Documentary “Becoming Frederick Douglass” Available to Watch Free Online
The new one-hour PBS documentary Becoming Frederick Douglass is now available to watch for free online. I don’t how long PBS will allow free viewing…
Kevin Costner and Morgan Freeman Making Series on Richmond Civil War Spy Ring
Kevin Costner and Morgan Freeman are teaming up to make a new spy drama set in Civil War Richmond. Costner told reporters that the six-hour…
Review: Becoming Frederick Douglass PBS Biography of Leading Abolitionist
PBS premiered Becoming Frederick Douglass, a one-hour biography of the Abolitionist and Civil Rights leader, on October 11. Like the documentary Visions of Harriet Tubman…
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