On April 29 a new bust of Henry Taylor will be unveiled honoring the Medal of Honor awardee.
Below is from Our Quad Cities:
The dedication of the new bronze bust of Civil War hero Sgt. Henry H. Taylor, who earned the Medal of Honor, will be dedicated Saturday, April 29, according to a news release.
Taylor was born and raised in the Galena area in Jo Daviess County. The memorial will be coordinated with the 2023 U. S. Grant Pilgrimage, Blackhawk Area Council, Boy Scouts of America. The community is invited to the event and brief ceremony.

The Fickbohm-Hissem Post 193, The American Legion Department of Illinois, is the coordinating Post for the event.
The dedication will be held after the 1:30 p.m. Boy Scout parade in downtown Galena, about 2:30 p.m. in Grant Park on Park Avenue in Galena. Visitors are invited to come early and bring lawn chairs.
Civil War Talk member Nathan Stuart writes https://civilwartalk.com/threads/looking-for-information-on-the-sgt.195984/
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