Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site in Missouri was honored last week in Los Angeles with the Stanton-Horton Award for Excellence in National Park Service History at the Organization of American Historians Annual Conference. The National Park unit was honored for its programs around Ulysses S. Grant’s life during the 2022 Bicentennial of his birth. The Organization of American Historians says that “the award recognizes excellence in National Park Service historical efforts that make the NPS a leader in promoting public understanding of and engagement with American history.”
According to Park Ranger Nick Sacco, “The park created a whole range of special events, exhibits, school programs, historical scholarship, a special Bicentennial Jr. Ranger book, virtual content, and a whole lot more during 2022. We stayed busy!” According to Sacco, “It was a true team effort across our cultural resource, interpretation, maintenance, and administrative teams. I would like to think that we played a leading role in helping Americans better understand Grant’s life and legacy during the Bicentennial.”

Park Ranger Nick Sacco, Program Manager Julie Northrip, and Superintendent Nathan Wilson after receiving the award.
Note: Feature Photo is of White Haven, Grant’s home near St. Louis.
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