Before the Republican Wide Awakes There Were the Know Nothing Wide Awakes

I write pretty extensively on another blog about immigrants during the Civil War. One of my articles is about the anti-immigrant Know Nothings of the 1850s. The article mentions the Know Nothings’ paramilitary formation, the Wide Awakes. Today I got this comment from Kevin Tucker:

The author incorrectly identified the Wide Awakes as being the Know Nothing’s paramilitary group at the polls in 1855. (“The Know Nothings also had their own paramilitary organization called the Wide Awakes to intimidate immigrants on election day.4”) This is false. Not only were the Wide Awakes founded by members of the Hartford Connecticut Republican Party, and in their constitutions stipulate that they were formed to help elect Republicans, but they were not even formed until 1860, during the Connecticut gubernatorial race.

Wide Awakes were Republican abolitionists that helped Lincoln get elected. Once the Civil War started, a high percentage of the the group’s members joined the Union Army, and the Wide Awake clubs dissolved.

I have no desire to embarrass Mr. Tucker. Most people interested in the Civil War associate them with the Republican Party and the election of Abraham Lincoln as president. Even as a boy, I recall the contemporary illustration of the Wide Awakes on the march for Lincoln which appears at the top of this article.

What many people don’t seem to be aware of is that the Know Nothings had their own fighting units also called Wide Awakes and they had them at least half-a-decade before the Republicans. I don’t know if the Republicans adopted the name because some of them had been active Know Nothings just a few years earlier, or if they thought that the name would attract Know Nothing voters. Maybe they just thought it was a cool name or they liked the hat style.

Below are some examples of pre-Republican references to the Know Nothing Wide Awakes.

The first article deals with the Angel Gabriel Riots. Gabriel was a preacher who would lead his followers into Irish neighborhoods and incite violence against the immigrants. In this article his followers wear “Wide Awake” hats.

Weekly Herald
Saturday, Jun 24, 1854
New York, NY
Many of the references to the Wide Awakes are cryptic.
Thursday, Dec 21, 1854
New Orleans, LA
The following article refers to the “Junior Sons of America,” a premier Know Nothing group, also being called the Wide Awakes.
Daily Atlas
Monday, Aug 20, 1855
Boston, MA
This humorous jibe reports a party travelling without hats to avoid being confused with “Know Nothings or Wide Awakes.”
Monday, Aug 07, 1854
New Orleans, LA
I note that in a couple of articles, the Wide Awakes are described as a rival of the Know Nothings, not an ally.
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Author: Patrick Young

1 thought on “Before the Republican Wide Awakes There Were the Know Nothing Wide Awakes

  1. The Washington Redskins will soon change their mascot name and I think the”WideAwakes” would be an ideal replacement considering the history attached to the name and Abraham Lincoln.

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